探戈傳奇 Carlos Rivarola

Tango Legend Carlos Rivarola


Carlos Rivarola 是當代阿根廷探戈舞者中,最負盛名的阿根廷探戈舞者之一。 他在舞台上發光發熱,是<Tango Argentino> 探戈秀的最早期的一批舞者。 該節目於 1983 年在巴黎掀起了探戈熱潮,並在法國、義大利、加拿大、美國百老匯等地演出。

在大眾藝術中也常常露面,卡洛斯爲電影《Tango Bar》、《Naked Tango》、《Tango》編舞、演出,被各大電影獎項包含奧斯卡提名,並榮獲1999年美國電影舞蹈學院編舞獎。

自1984 年以來,他每年都會前往日本,與探戈界的偉大藝術家一起表演,如 Mariano Mores、Sexteto Tango樂團、José Colángelo和Leopoldo Federico等。1986年, Carlos Rivarola與前田美波里共同上演並導演了第一場由日本舞者、音樂家和歌手組成的探戈表演。 1996年,卡洛斯主持並執導了專為日本製作的<Los Grandes del Tango Argentino>探戈秀等。





探戈雜談室 ep.85|探戈傳奇是半個日本人?(特別來賓: Carlos Rivarola)


探戈雜談室 ep. 86|阿根廷探戈是一種現代舞(特別來賓: Carlos Rivarola)


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第一屆台中阿根廷探戈錦標賽 1st Taichung Argentine Tango Competition


Carlos Rivarola is one of the most prestigious Argentine Tango dancer of recent times. He is original members of "Tango Argentino". The show that started the tango hit in Paris at the year 1983, and running France, Italy, Canada, E.E.U.U. arriving at N.Y. in 1985, acting on Broadway at the Mark Hellinger theatre.

He have been traveling to Japan every year since 1984, alternating Tango dance seminars with performances with great artists like Mariano Mores, Sexteto Tango, José Colángelo and Leopoldo Federico. 
In 1986 Carlos Rivarola staged and directed the first Tango show formed exclusively by Japanese dancers, musicians and singers with Bibari Maeda. In 1996, Carlos presented and directed Los Grandes del Tango Argentino, a show produced specially for Japan, with the appearance of Juan Carlos Copes, María Nieves, Nélida and Nelson, Mayoral and Elsa María and the Color Tango Orchestra, among others.

Moreover Carlos published, in Japan, the book Así se baila el Tango Argentino written with a  distinguished journalist and Tango researcher Yoyi Kanematz.  

Carlos were choreographer, dancers and tango teacher of Raul Julia on the film "Tango Bar"; choreographer and dancer of the movies "Naked Tango" with Vincent D'Onofrio and Fernando Rey; "Tango" by Carlos Saura,(“Oscar” nominated ), with which won the 1999 American Choreography Awards of the Academy of Dance on Film.  He danced with Eleonora Casano at the Tangokinesis show, of Ana María Stekelman in Italy, Greece, Spain, U. K. and Argentina.

He gave conference about Tango Argentino in: Spain ( Festival de Granada ); Japan : Kannai Hall - Yokohama, Aichi University - Nagoya ; Italy: Architecture University- Roma , Federico II University - Napoli.

He was resident professor at the UNA (Universidad Nacional de las Artes).   

In 2006 he received an Artistic Achievement Award from the Argentine National Arts Foundation, in 2008 The Honor Diploma of CID-UNESCO-Sección Bueno Aires (Conceil International of the Dance) ), in 2010 the diploma of honor in merit to the fecund educational work from the CAD (Consejo Argentino de la Danza).

He participated in the musical work of Gustavo Santaolalla: "Arrabal": in 2014 Panasonic Theater of Toronto-Canada, 2016 Ibero-American Theater Festival in Bogotá-Colombia, 2017 American Repertory Theater of Cambridge-Massachusatts.

He is also a intermediate generation member of the Academia Nacional del Tango.