1 Legend de Tango

大家還記得六月份Carlos Rivarola老師帶來的那份探戈優雅嗎?

這次,老師將先到台中,參與首個台中錦標賽(還是有團課啦),接著到台北,一起與我們慶祝Carlos Gardel生日。

台中 12/4-7
12/4-5 私課
12/6 私課、團課
12/7 團課、舞會、私課(比賽請看競賽活動頁報名)
台北 12/8-11
12/8-10 團課、私課
12/11 私課、舞會


報名連結 Registration

詳細介紹分頁 more in detailed:

活動表 Schedule

舞會 Milonga

收費表 Fee

第一屆台中阿根廷探戈錦標賽 1st Taichung Argentine Tango Competition

Carlos Rivarola is coming again this December!

We all melted by his gentle and grace of tango in June. We are honored to have him again so soon. 

This time, we arrange 8 workshops, 2 milongas, 1 competition in Taichung and Taipei, hope to have you join us!

Agenda in brief:

Dec 4-7th @Taichung

Dec 4-5th private lessons

Dec 6th private lessons, workshops

Dec 7th workshops, competition, milonga

Dec 8-11th @Taipei

Dec 8-10th workshops, private lessons

Dec 11th private lessons, milonga

Nov 30th is the last day for early bird, if the space is full up, then walk-in is not acceptable.

Organizers: Tango.two, Tanguisimo