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女王舞鞋簡介(Introduction of Queen's Dancing Heels) -




*Salsa/Bachata/Jazz/國標拉丁舞鞋- Eckse品牌  

有多年不同舞蹈經驗的小編Sunny自2015年接觸阿根廷探戈之後,為了提供給舞者高品質進口舞鞋,隔年2016年底即成為俄羅斯運動舞蹈品牌Eckse舞鞋之"亞洲獨家代理商",位於克里米亞的Eckse自1985年創立,已行銷歐美多年,其產品線包括各種不同舞鞋,如阿根廷探戈舞鞋/騷莎舞鞋/Jazz舞鞋 /國際標準舞鞋(摩登/拉丁)。


歐風設計 款式優雅 品質舒適 穩定支撐  

Supadance為英國知名國標舞鞋品牌,版型舒適,小編也提供給探戈男舞者真皮鞋底與麂皮鞋底不同選擇。  除了外形美觀,專業舞鞋提供給雙腳的穩定支撐與耐穿度更是舞者需要注意的重點唷~  


展示間地址: 新北市板橋區民生路二段234巷2弄5號1樓(板南線新埔捷運站3號出口2分鐘, 位於千硯室內設計公司內)

周一~五 10:00~18:00(欲於其他時間試鞋,請私訊粉絲專頁或致電0937858166提前預約即可)  

女王舞鞋祝您~ 跳舞開心!開心跳舞!😘

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction of Queen's Dancing Heels -  

Shoes available:

*Argentine Tango Shoes - we have men’s and women’s shoes in brand Eckse(from Russia), and men's shoes in Supadance(from UK)

*Salsa/Bachata/Jazz/Latin shoes for men(excluding Latin) and women.  

Sunny, with some other dancing experience before learning tango in year 2015, became the sole agent of Russian Dancing Shoes Brand "Eckse" in Asia in order to provide professional tango and salsa shoes to dancers in Taiwan.  Eckse has produced dancing shoes since year 1985 and mainly sold in Russia, US and Europe.  Eckse produces various professional dancing shoes, inlcuding Argentine Tango Shoes/Salsa Shoes(heel shoes for Ladies/Salsa Unisex Shoes)/Jazz Shoes/International Ballroom Dancing(Ballroom/Latin) Shoes.  

Welcome to visit our showroom in Taipei, or we can send you the shoes for trying them(within Taiwan)~  

Show Room Address: 1F, No. 5, Alley 2, Lane 234, Sec. 2, Mingsheng Road, Banqiao Dist., 220 New Taipei City, Taiwan (near Exit 3 at MRT Blue Line "Xin Pu" Station)

Open : Mon.~Fri. 10:00~18:00 (if you'd like to visit us at other time, just send us message via our fan page or mobile phone no. 0937858166 to make a reservation.)  

Happy Dancing !