


1. 任何國籍的選手均可報名參加比賽。

2. 所有參與者都必須填寫報名表格。在比賽中領取報名資料時,必須出示相同姓名、附有照片的身分證件。未出示這些文件的參賽者將不被允許參加比賽。對於不可抗力等特殊情況,將進行例外評估。

3. 所有參賽者必須在比賽開始前完成註冊,並加入比賽line社群。為保持社群訊息暢通,比賽line社群除討論比賽相關事項外,禁止任何其他內容或活動貼文,也請勿建立記事本,否則立即退群、取消比賽資格、報名費不退費。

4. 比賽分成五個組別:tango新星組、tango一般組、vals組、milonga組、Jack&Jill單人組。只能與一名舞伴報名一個組別,不得與多名舞伴報名同一個組別。一人至多可報名四個組別。主辦單位會盡力相應調整輪次,減少連續比賽的可能性。

5. 除tango新星組參加者的探戈年資需為3年以下,其他組別沒有年資限定。探戈年資3年以下者也歡迎報名tango一般組。

6. 選手繳交報名費後如退賽,報名費不退還。

7. 參賽者必須以尊重和運動員精神的方式對待評審、監督員、其他參賽者、觀眾以及與 Tango.two 相關的任何人員或來賓。任何負面的行為,無論是書面的還是口頭的,都可能產生不良後果。 Tango.two 保留取消違規者被授予的頭銜和獎品,以及未來參加 Tango.two 活動的權利。

8. 歡迎任何觀眾觀看所有比賽(不需為探戈舞者),但不得干擾比賽進行,否則會被請出場外。4:30-6:30賽程觀眾為免費入場,但若想觀看9點tango一般組決賽,需購買舞會入場門票,若額滿則不開放現場購票。

9. 參賽者同意依照 Tango.two 的安排參加其活動和儀式。

10. 參賽者不得轉讓報名。

11. Tango.two 可以從事媒體創作業務,包括但不限於從事以下為個人和商業的活動:拍攝、電影/視頻剪輯、電影/視頻製作;攝影、照片編輯和整體製作;數位攝影、數位照片編輯及數位照片製作;紀錄片製作與編輯;錄音;聲音處理和音樂製作;電視製作;以及網頁設計和製作。透過報名參加比賽,參賽者同意 Tango.two 拍攝影像和影片/錄音公開使用。

12. 主辦人有權依照現場情況且基於公平性進行規則調整。


1. 每輪比賽會安排6對參賽者,並依輪次比例篩選晉級。每個組別皆設置預賽與決賽。若某組別只有4-6對報名,則直接進行決賽。若某組別報名不足3對,則取消此組別進行比賽,報名費會全數退回。
2. 每輪比賽前請當輪參賽者前往集合區,依照比賽line社群公布之唱名順序排隊,若出場唱名後才列隊,則取消比賽資格。每組每輪比賽唱名出場後,將由音樂總監選3首完整音樂,中間間隔約3秒。比賽前不會透過任何形式公佈所選音樂。
3. 如同在舞會中一樣,舞者必須保持逆時針移動,並避免在同一個地方停留太久,以有助於良好的舞池流動。

4. 建議女士穿著優雅的探戈舞衣,男士穿著傳統的西裝,但服裝不會被視為具體評分之一。

5. 參賽者須在比賽音樂中保持探戈的擁抱。

6. 所有動作應在舞伴擁抱所允許的空間內進行。

7. 在比賽中,參與者可以執行任何常用的動作,包括 barridas、sacadas、enrosques等。

8. 在比賽中,不得使用任何典型的探戈舞台上雙腳同時離開地面的動作。

9. 建議於4:15前即報到完畢,比賽時程規劃為參考,若某輪/組提早結束,則會接續進行下一輪/組比賽,不另行通知。

10. 報到時,每隊會拿到一張號碼布與別針,請於開賽前自行別在男士的下背位置。Jack & Jill 的女士參賽者亦請在其組別時段別上其號碼布。


1. 評審團將於比賽前開會達成評分共識,致力達到最高公平性。且評審會簽署同意書,不會因為個人因素(如師生關係)而影響評分。
2. 評審分數與晉級結果將於比賽line社群中公布,請參賽者注意,並主動準備參加每一輪/級的比賽。若某組預賽有不只一輪,則會等所有輪次都結束才公布結果。
3. 除Jack & Jill組只取男女各一名冠軍之外,每組依評審分數取冠軍、亞軍、季軍各一對,並於桂冠舞會中宣布名次。除Jack & Jill組之外,各組冠軍將於桂冠舞會中表演一首。結果將公開於兩兩探戈官方網站。
4. 每位觀眾於每個輪次皆具有兩張投票權,輪次內需投給不同的參賽對,可棄票。需於下一輪比賽前投票完畢,否則不計入計票。投票方式(填寫表格或投票匭或其他)將於比賽前公佈。若不遵守投票方式,則下輪比賽不得參與投票。觀眾投票為不記名。非當輪參賽者亦可以觀眾身份投票。
5. 依每組觀眾投票最高者為人氣王。結果將公開於兩兩探戈官方網站。


1. Dancers of any nationality can register to participate in the competition.

2. All participants must fill in the registration form. When picking up registration materials at the competition, you must present ID with the same name and photo. Entrants who fail to produce these documents will not be allowed to participate in the competition. Exceptional assessments will be made for special circumstances such as force majeure.

3. All participants must complete registration before the start of the competition, and join the competition Line Community Group/Facebook Messanger Group. In order to keep the community information flowing, the competition Line Community Group/Facebook Messanger Group prohibits any other content or activity postings except discussing competition-related matters, and please do not create any notepad. Otherwise, you will be immediately removed from the group, be disqualified from the competition, and the registration fee will not be refunded.

4. The competition is divided into five categories: tango new star , tango general, vals, milonga, and Jack&Jill. You can only register for one category with one dance partner, and you are not allowed to register for the same category with multiple dance partners. One person can register for up to four categories. The organizer will try our best to adjust the rounds accordingly to reduce the possibility of consecutive rounds.

5. Except for the tango new star category, participants must have tango experience of less than 3 years. There is no seniority limit for other categories. Those with less than 3 years of tango experience are also welcome to sign up for the tango general category.

6. If a contestant withdraws from the competition after paying the registration fee, the registration fee will not be refunded.

7. Contestants must treat judges, supervisors, other contestants, spectators, and any personnel or guests associated with Tango.two in a respectful and sportsmanlike manner. Any negative behavior, whether written or spoken, can have negative consequences. Tango.two reserves the right to revoke titles and prizes awarded to violators, as well as participation in future Tango.two events.

8. Any spectator is welcome to watch all competitions (not required to be a tango dancer), but must not interfere with the competition, otherwise they will be requested to leave the competition venue. Audiences are admitted free of charge during the 4:15-6:30 match, but if you want to watch the tango general finals at 9 o'clock, you need to purchase ticket for the Champ Milonga. If the quota is full, walk-in tickets will not be available.

9. Contestants agree to participate in Tango.two’s activities and ceremonies as arranged by it.

10. Contestants are not allowed to transfer their registration.

11. Tango.two can engage in media creation business, including but not limited to engaging in the following personal and commercial activities: filming, film/video editing, film/video production; photography, photo editing and overall production; digital photography, digital photo editing and digital photo production; documentary production and editing; sound recording; sound processing and music production; television production; and web design and production. By registering for the competition, entrants consent to the public use of images and videos/recordings taken by Tango.two.

12. The organizer has the right to adjust the rules based on on-site conditions and fairness.

Schedule description

1. Each round of competition will arrange 6 pairs of contestants, and they will be selected and promoted according to the proportion of rounds. Each category has preliminary rounds and finals. If there are only 4-6 pairs registered in a certain category, the finals will proceed directly. If there are less than 3 pairs registered in a certain group, the competition in this category will be cancelled, and the registration fee will be fully refunded.

2. Before each round of competition, contestants are asked to go to the assembly area and line up according to the roll call order announced by the competition Line Community Group/Facebook Messanger Group. If they line up after the roll call by the host, they will be disqualified from the competition. After the roll call of each group in each round of competition, the music director will select 3 complete pieces of music, with an interval of about 3 seconds. The selected music will not be announced in any way before the competition.

3. As in a milonga, dancers must keep moving counterclockwise and avoid staying in the same place for too long to contribute to good dance floor flow.

4. It is recommended that women wear elegant tango clothing and men wear traditional suits, but clothing will not be considered for specific scoring.

5. Competitors must maintain a tango embrace during the competition music.

6. All movements should be performed within the space allowed by the dance partner’s embrace.

7. During the competition, participants can perform any common moves, including barridas, sacadas, enrosques, etc.

8. Any typical tango stage moves in which both feet leave the ground at the same time may not be used during the competition.

9. It is recommended to register before 4:15. The competition schedule is for reference. If a certain round/category ends early, the next round/category will be continued without further notice.

10. When registering, each pair will receive a bib and pins. Please pin it on the men's lower back before the start of the round. Jack & Jill lady contestants are also asked to wear their bib during their category time.

Scoring Criteria

1. The judges will meet before the competition to reach a consensus on scoring and strive to achieve the highest fairness. The judges will sign a consent form and personal factors (such as teacher-student relationship) will not affect the score.

2. The judging scores and promotion results will be announced in the competition Line Community Group/Facebook Messanger Group. Participants are requested to pay attention and actively prepare to participate in each round/level of the competition. If there are more than one round of preliminaries for a certain category, the results will be announced after all rounds are completed.

3. Except for the Jack & Jill category, which only has one male and female champion, other categories will select a champion, runner-up, and third runner-up based on the judging scores, and the rankings will be announced at the Champ Milonga at the evening. Except for the Jack & Jill category, the champions of each category will perform a song at the Champ Milonga. The results will be published on the official website of Tango.two.

4. Each audience has two voting rights in each round. They need to vote for different pairs in each round and can abstain from voting. Voting must be completed before the next round of competition, otherwise the votes will not be counted. The method of voting (filling in a form or voting or other) will be announced before the competition. If the voting method is not followed, you will not be allowed to vote in the next round of competition. Audience voting is anonymous. Non-contestants can also vote as audience.

5. The pair with the highest votes from the audience in each category will be the Mr./Miss Popularity. The results will be published on the official website of Tango.two.

報名連結 Registion

比賽評審介紹 Panel of Judges
名次獎品 Prize
比賽流程與參賽費 Agenda y Fee
比賽規則 Rules