Tango一般組、Tango新星組、vals組、Milonga組 冠軍獎品介紹1:

TTM十週年活動full pass各組*1名

於2015年首次舉辦的台灣探戈馬拉松,是亞洲第一個純舞會的探戈馬拉松,多年來服務全球舞者破千。除了創造全球優秀舞者與DJ交流的機會,也巧妙安排海外探戈朋友認識台灣在地風情。明年的十週年慶,將邀請天團La Juan D’Arienzo來台同慶,還有許多海外優秀舞者已經準備來台參與,必定熱鬧非凡,不容錯過!😉
The Taiwan Tango Marathon(TTM), held for the first time in 2015, is the first whole-milongas tango marathon in Asia. TTM has served thousands of dancers from around the world over the years. In addition to creating opportunities for the world's best dancers and DJs to communicate, it also cleverly arranges for overseas tango friends to know about Taiwan's local taste. Next year’s 10th anniversary will be celebrated with the talented orchestra La Juan D’Arienzo!There are also many outstanding dancers who are ready to come to Taiwan to participate. It will definitely be a lively event and not to be missed! 😉

報名連結 Registion

比賽評審介紹 Panel of Judges
名次獎品 Prize
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